Promo Codes are used during checkout to apply discounts to your order.
To use your Promo Code, follow these steps:
- Sign into your My Account.
- Select the event and select your seats.
- Select Next.
- Select + Add Credits / Promo Codes / Gift Cards
- Enter your Promo Code and select Apply.
What should I do if my Promo Code isn’t working?
Ensure the Promo Code hasn’t expired and that the terms of the offer are met. If your code meets the requirements, you could have a Offer Passcode instead. You enter Offer Passcodes when you are selecting seats before you checkout.
Visit the FAQ How do I use Offer Passcodes? for more information.
Can I use Promo Codes on resale tickets from other fans?
Promo Codes won’t work when purchasing resale tickets.